Scanning waybills and proof of delivery van provide a solution in one of the most crucial processes in transport and logistics. Stop losing documentation and start processing documents now. Make sure you are in control of the paper process!

Waybills during the trip

Processing CMR’s, freight documents, packaging slips, customs clearance forms and receipts is often an accurate process. The processing of all these documents into the correct file formation is a labor-intensive process. The documentation is often handwritten and the documents sometimes disappear in the back pocket of between the load. We often experience that transporters miss documents or the documents that are so damaged in such way that they can no longer be readable. Therefore, digitize the documents directly from the truck!

Scangaroo takes care of the documents by digitizing documents immediately. Scangaroo can be opened from the driver’s question path, so the driver can scan de consignment notes directly.  It can also be used as a stand-alone solution and can be used any time to scan a CMR, packing slip or clearance certificate. After scanning, the administration immediately has all documents together. The administration can start checking the waybills, proof of delivery and receipts so the invoicing can start right after receiving the scans.

Advantages of scanning waybills and proof of delivery

Scanning waybills and proof of delivery notes in the truck provides a number of advantages for both the driver and the administration.

  • Direct freight handling for the driver
  • Documents returned to the office the same day
  • High quality scans with Scangaroo
  • Start document processing earlier
  • Save time with invoicing

Do you want to know more benefits of Scangaroo? Read our ‘’ultimate guide: scanning on the go’’.

Want to see how Scangaroo works? Then schedule a demo with one of our employees.

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